Publication Social Media Campaigns
Scholastic Journalism Adviser’s Guide
Social Media Plan
The Scholastic Journalism Adviser’s Guide is intended for new and seasoned scholastic (high school) journalism teachers and advisers.
Why use social media:
Social Media has such a large reach with various platforms. Since social media is quick, and timely, this seems like a great vehicle to share information, post tips and tricks and a place for journalism teachers to go for advice and support.
The use of social media will allow me, and others, to highlight and sharewhat is happening within scholastic journalism.
Increase awareness of the Scholastic Journalism Adviser’s Guide.
Increase awareness of the services offered from JEA, NSPA, CSPA and NHSPA (including national conventions and workshops, unit plans, mentoring programs, etc.).
Increase followers on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Snapchat) and encourage collaboration.
Continue to build the knowledge and foundation of support for journalism teachers to ensure educated and qualified professionals stay in the classroom and continue advising.
Facebook |Twitter | Instagram | Google+ and Snapchat:
Create a Facebook page (Scholastic Journalism Adviser’s Guide) to share information and foster discussions and collaboration through comments, likes and shares.
Objective: Obtain 250 page likes in the first three months on Facebook. Similar traffic on other social media sites.
New and current journalism teachers and advisers.
Journalism student teachers.
College professors
Yearbook education and sales representative.
Will encourage all visitors to “like” us on Facebook and a “favorite” on Twitter.
How to obtain audience/drive traffic to channel:
Signage will be posted at journalism events; NHSPA Fall Convention in October, JEA/NSPA Conventions in November and April and CSPA in March.
Links will be made available on the website under contact information.
Word of mouth (between teachers and advisers)
Daily posts on questions, tips and motivation. This will include topics that are discussed on the JEALISTSERV as well as school-specific issues.
At least once a day, a post will be shared giving information to all users. For example, connecting to sites the Associated Press, Society of Professional Journalists, Quill & Scroll, etc. Sharing tips each day will allow for information to be spread and comments and questions to follow.
AP writing and editing questions
Adobe Suite: InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator tips and tricks
Information on conventions, conference and summer workshops.
Mentoring and support
Questions/Polls/Surveys: What is working in your classroom? Not working? Etc.
Site Information, updates, etc.
Mark Hilburn (website creator)
Other journalism teachers, advisers and professionals will be asked and encouraged to contribute.
If comments are inappropriate, they will be removed, as will the person responsible for the comments.
Monitoring will involve seeing who “likes” the posts, who comments, and what information is sharing. Based on this, we can better serve our audience by posting and sharing information we think will be of interest to them.
Facebook Analytics and Google Alerts (both free) will be used to see what posts are engaging our audience.
On a weekly basis, data on likes, comments, and shares will be recorded and analyzed.
Evaluate every three months and report to group that status of Facebook and decide what, if anything, should be changed or updated.